Saturday, April 18, 2015


This week, I offer only this short opinion piece. More precisely, it is the beginning of an opinion. Perhaps you will help me build upon it.

Imagine a nation without borders. Imagine no border patrol, but instead, a people patrol. Why not put in place a system that permits and encourages a better life wherever they may find themselves, or wherever they may choose to go? Let that system no longer guard borders, but values and standards.

This is my thought. Let America and Mexico join as one, each in full control of their separate identities, yet working in harmony for the good of the people. Who would be denied access? Gangs, criminals, and terrorists would find in our new union a border impossible to breach. Could you live in such a nation? Would you be proud to be a citizen?

The new union would be such an institution that would serve the needs of the people; citizens of the new union would be such as treat each other with respect and compassion. Of course, standards would have to be created, policies set in place. To move to a new place, one would necessarily have to obligate oneself to the standards of that region.

Governments could no longer claim to be powers or authorities, for they exist merely to serve the will of the people. Police and military, under the standards elected by the people, would hold themselves accountable to the citizenry of the new union – for, after all, they are its citizens, too.

Canada would hear of the new union, and of course, they would want to join in. What might we call a citizen of the new union? Canamexicans? Mexcamericans? Amexadians? Regardless, it would be a society of standards. We might say, when in Canada, do as the Canadians do – or, when in America, or when in Mexico. The appropriate standards would insure that a citizen has rights equal to his obligations.

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