Sunday, November 19, 2017

There You Have It

I began topically, striving to reach a point in mentation whereby understanding of the scriptures began with and revolved around definition. The work, somehow, transformed itself into a serial attempt at broader clarity, as I went through the book of Luke point by point. I will not continue through the book of John in similar fashion, as I think that book deserves a study unto itself.

No. This is a good place to end this study, and perhaps, to make a return to the topical nature this work began with. I began this study with a pet peeve – namely, how people use a word or concept without first defining it. They seem to think if they say it loudly enough, the meaning will, somehow, come through on its own. I began this study with the much-maligned concept of 'Love'. I said I might return to it, as well the concept that the strait gate might be a Biblical passage.

I am not trying to extend this study, but rather, to bring it to an adequate end. Still, these topics are due further scrutiny. I, of course, will continue to ponder such things – I am an affirmed seeker, after all. But, what about you? Have I reached my fellow-seekers? If I have, here are a few things you might try on your own.

Choose a topic you might find in the Bible. That topic might be 'love', or 'key', 'spirit', 'knowledge', or anything you decide upon. Get yourself a good Bible engine for your computer. Type in that word and search out every instance of its use. Collect them. Place them together and arrange them in an order that helps you to better understand the concept. Combine them into a synthesis that is not overly loquacious. Let it be as brief and lean as possible. Let there be definition. It'll be good.

I leave you with these thoughts. We are seekers. How does one define a seeker? A seeker might seek anything thing. If we claim we seek truth, someone might counter, “What is truth? Are mine the same as yours?” Language contains many words. They orbit concepts like planets and moons. There may be no single answer to existence and purpose of life, rather many individual definitions. However, I see and seek in an existence that is inclusive – it holds the one and it holds the many.

A lot of people seek only their individuality and license. They are like the waves in the sea. Some others seek oneness. They are also like waves in the sea. Even those who imagine they are Captains of their own vessels, charting a course under their own steam, cannot deny they are still part of something bigger than themselves – something that includes them with all else it holds.

All existence, life, being, seeking – they are directional, they are developmental. We move toward something by moving away from something else. We become. The seeker is a 'becomer'. We do not seek idle states of trivia-glut. When we finally find that which we have sought, we add it to ourselves. We become ourselves, plus that which we have discovered. Then – what if what we have discovered is the whole? What if our adding the whole to ourselves is only us mirroring the whole adding us to itself?

A physical Jesus said that which is born of the spirit is spirit. Be the seeker, be the treasure you find. One may be the question and the answer. One may be the wave and the sea.    

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