We are still in the last supper. This study is taken from Luke 22:37-38. The meal is over, and before going to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray, Jesus is found in the upper room speaking to his disciples. In the previous study, we saw that Jesus was speaking to Peter. He spoke also to the others.
He told them, in verse 37, “the things concerning me have an end.” In a previous study, I had likened some aspects of Jesus' ministry to the labors of Hercules. In other words, those things which Jesus had to accomplish were determined in advance. It was as if he had a list and was checking them off as he went.
Heal ten lepers: check. Walk on water: check. Raise the dead: check. And now here, in his last supper, with his disciples close about him, he tells them, in verse 37, one last item must be accomplished: “And he was reckoned among the transgressors.” Such were the labors of Christ.
But, what kind of men did he hang with? They were transgressors. That was the type; that was their character. They were a rough bunch, a common crew. At least one zealot was a regular member of his inner twelve. Who were the closest associates of Jesus? There was a doubter, a betrayer, and a fearful denier, just to mention a few. They were ordinary men, not saints.
So, here they were, ordinary men, gathered around their master, sharing a pre-ordeal meal. What kind of men were they? Jesus speaks to them as he always had. Somehow, as was their habit, they missed the point. Jesus had said to them, in verses 35-36, “When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes, lacked ye anything? But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.”
Did they receive his words intellectually or consider them on a spiritual level? No. Like children, not really understanding, but hoping to please, they took their master's words literally, and looked immediately among themselves for swords. And, guess what – they actually carried swords. They had them with them there at the last supper.
Jesus knew the 'labors' he had to accomplish. He also knew the men he traveled with. He knew his friend Judas would betray him. He knew Thomas would doubt. He knew his most loyal and ardent disciple would ultimately deny him. He knew that Simon was a member of the zealots, a group concerned with the freedom of Israel. Perhaps, Simon was not the only member. They carried weapons.
Being occupied by Rome, I do not imagine they carried them openly. This is an example of Biblical concealed carry. Saints with swords! They carried them from the supper to the garden where we are informed that it was Peter who wielded one of them. He sliced off a man's ear. Pretty Ninja-like for a fisherman.
Jesus knew they carried swords before he said anything. He knew one would be used that very night. He knew the men he chose – every strength and every weakness. What does he know about you?
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