Sunday, November 20, 2016

Where Will You Find God?

This is a short opinion piece. Consider these questions. Do you know someone who places God fully in the old testament, that is, so far back in history as to be inapplicable to modern issues? Do you know someone who believes God is some white-bearded sky daddy so far up in heaven as to be ineffective? Many people dismiss God from their lives in sweeping generalizations. But, where is God to be found?

We must not be too quick to set ourselves apart from God. God is found neither in the past nor the future, nor again in some inaccessible realm. Where God is found is in the hearts and minds of his children – right here and right now. Jesus told us that God is a spirit. Whether or not God lives in our spirits is up to us.

This opinion piece is drawn from Psalms 22:3 and Romans 10:8. My take on the matter is that God lives in his praises, and both God and Jesus are as close to us as the words we speak. In that God inhabits His praise, each time one of us lifts Him up, He becomes stronger and more alive – not only in our spirits but also in the world we share with other people.

The communication of God to man is His only begotten son. Jesus stood upon this Earth not only as that message, which from the beginning has been that God inhabits man but also as the prime example of living praise. A father never exists apart from his children; the real connection between father and child is that message that has come down to us through the ages. It is a beautiful message.

Each of us has the power. If any of us prays for God's presence in the world, the answer to that prayer may be found in praise. Let us continue the communication of praise. Let us share it between ourselves and abroad. We have it within our own power to take on the mantle of living praise, of spiritual father inhabiting mortal child.

This opinion piece is praise. By this praise, I lift up my heavenly Father – right here and right now. It is my assertion here that God's mighty presence in this world depends on our humble praises. Like Jesus, we have both the power and the choice to stand as living praise: God in man. God lives here. I share myself with you. It is a beautiful communication. Will you share yourself with another?

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